The Not So Stoopid Blog

Smart Strategies To Get The Body You Always Wanted

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Korean Beef Bowls

I’m trying to change the perception of healthy eating. Somewhere down the line, we’ve been ingrained with this idea that healthy eating is this long laborious task that ends up tasting bland and

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Blackened Shrimp Tacos

This Blackened Shrimp Taco recipe is an easy, delicious, and stress-free meal that you can prep for the week or whip up quickly on a busy weeknight when you’re not feeling like putting

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Crockpot Buffalo Chicken

Here’s a quick, simple, and delicious meal prep idea that you’re going to love! This is one of my all-time favorites because it’s high in protein, versatile, and great for when you’re in

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The Secret To Self Control

Have you tried working on starting a healthy lifestyle but always find yourself going back to your old habits? Maybe you wanted to eat healthier, work out more, or have a more regular

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Do You Need A Low FODMAP Diet?

There are some foods that you know to avoid – not because they’re “unhealthy” but because you know that eating them will get you later. Those foods that don’t sit right – they

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Quarantine Fitness Guide

There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now and things have changed drastically in a short amount of time – more for some than others. It seems so surreal that

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Understanding Training Volume

If you want to get toned, build a booty, or just straight-up build all around muscle mass you’ll need to have the appropriate training volume to achieve that goal. Training volume, training frequency,

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10 Reasons You Need Fish Oil

The leading cause of chronic disease in today’s society is inflammation. Inflammation can be a result of several lifestyle stressors, training stressors, dietary habits, or

Why You Should Care About Gut Health

Kombucha, probiotics, and dietary fiber. The trifecta of gut health supplements that have been taking over the industry recently. You know that they’re supposed to